The Pros and Cons of Next.js Full-stack React Framework

The Pros and Cons of Next.js Full-stack React Framework

Web development has become popular recently, and today, there are several frameworks available in the market. Selecting the right framework can be a game-changer for your project. Nowadays, Next.js has emerged as a popular choice for developers to build powerful, scalable web applications. However, new developers don’t know what exactly Next.js is and what makes it stand out among other frameworks.

If you’re looking to know the full potential of Next.js, then you’re at the right blog. In this blog, we’ll explore Next.js in detail, including its pros and cons, to help you decide if it’s the right framework for your project.

What is Next.js?

Next.js is a full-stack React framework developed by Vercel (formerly known as Zeit). It’s an open-source framework that allows developers to build server-rendered React applications effortlessly. No doubt, React is a powerful library for building user interfaces, but it only handles the view layer. On the other hand, Next.js offers features like server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), API routes, and much more to complement react native and make React native a full-stack framework.

Pros and Cons of Next.js

Undoubtedly, Next.js is a reliable framework, but as we say, every coin has two sides, Next.js. It has many pros but also has a few cons, and before picking this framework for your project, you should know these pros and cons.

Next.js Pros

1. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

One of the most significant advantages of Next.js is its built-in support for server-side rendering (SSR). SSR allows your React components to be rendered on the server rather than in the browser, reducing your application’s load time. Suppose you’re looking to do SEO for your application. In that case, SSR allows search engines to index the fully rendered content, leading to better visibility in search results. This will also help you gain users more quickly and in the most pock-friendly manner.

2. Static Site Generation (SSG)

Static site generation is necessary for content-ready websites where content doesn’t change frequently. Next.js offers static site generation (SSG), so you can pre-ruse to ender pages at build time. With static site generation, your pages get generated as static HTML files, and users can access them quickly and efficiently.

3. API Routes

Next.js provides a built-in way to create API endpoints; developers don’t need to set up an additional server for this. This feature makes Next.js a true full-stack framework and allows you to use the same codebase to handle both frontend and backend logic. Also, with the API routes, you can create custom APIs that interact with your database, authenticate users, and more.

4. Built-in CSS and Sass Support

Next.js comes with built-in CSS and SaaS support, making styling in Next.js easy for everyone. In Next.js, you can import CSS files directly into your components, and Next.js will handle the rest. Built-in CSS and Sass reduce the risk of style conflicts and make managing styles in larger applications more straightforward.

5. Automatic Code Splitting

The best thing about Next.js is it automatically splits code into smaller chunks, and when users navigate on your application, it only loads the necessary parts of your application. Automatic code splitting makes applications faster and effectively enhances the user experience.

6. TypeScript Support

TypeScript is a strongly typed superset of JavaScript, and Next.js provides first-class support for TypeScript. TypeScript helps developers find errors when they compile their code and helps them write more robust and maintainable code.

7. Excellent Developer Experience

Next.js is designed to keep the developer’s experience in mind and offers hot reloading, a powerful CLI, and excellent documentation to ease the developer’s work. The Next.js framework works on zero-config philosophy and allows you to focus on building your application rather than on configuration.

8. Scalability

Scalability is the most important factor in developing an application, and Next.js is highly scalable and the most preferred framework for projects of all sizes, from small blogs to large enterprise applications. With Next.js’ ability to handle SSR, SSG, and API routes, you can scale your application as needed.

So, these are the pros of Next.js, and you can see it is one of the most versatile and complete frameworks for building any type of application.

Next.js Cons

1. Learning Curve

Undoubtedly, Next.js is easy to get started with. However, you might get stuck at some point due to extra features like SSR, SSG, and hybrid rendering, especially if you’re new to React or full-stack development. Also, there are nuances in how Next.js handles routing, data fetching, and deployment that you’ll need to learn, which will also take some time.

2. Build Times with SSG

As mentioned above, Next.js offers Static Site Generation (SSG), which can lead to longer build times, depending on the number of pages. Due to SSG, this can become a bottleneck for very large sites, as each page needs to be pre-rendered at build time. SSG is not a big issue for smaller websites, but for larger sites, this can slow down their development. After the development, this will reduce the loading time of your application.

3. Server-Side Rendering Overhead

SSR provides significant benefits for an application, but during the development phase, it also introduces additional overhead on the server. If you’re building an application which will handle heavy traffic, this will lead to increased server costs and the need for a more robust infrastructure.

4. Limited Backend Capabilities

While Next.js allows you to create API routes, it’s not a full-fledged backend framework. Suppose you need advanced backend features like real-time communication, complex database interactions, or heavy data processing. In that case, you might need to integrate Next.js with a more powerful backend solution like Express, NestJS, or GraphQL.

Next.js Pros and Cons Compared

When comparing the pros and cons of Next.js, it’s clear that the framework offers a robust set of features that can significantly enhance the development process. However, these features come with trade-offs, particularly in complexity, learning curve, and potential deployment challenges.

Next.js features like SSR, SSG, or API routes offer a compelling solution for experienced developers, but when it comes to newbies, learning and understanding these features will become an Everest climbing task.


No doubt that Next.js is a powerful full-stack React framework that brings many advantages to web development, including server-side rendering, static site generation, and a great developer experience. It is slowly becoming the first choice of developers to create astounding websites. However, as we say, every coin has two sides, Next.js also comes with challenges, including a learning curve, potential deployment complexities, and limitations in backend capabilities. We hope that after going through the blog, you’ll come up with a decision on whether to pick Next.js for your next project or not. For more details or if you’ve any queries, you can contact our consultant, and if you’re looking to build an app from scratch, we can provide you with a free quotation.


Next.js is a full-stack framework built on top of React. Next.js offers additional features like server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), and API routes. Also, Next.js comes with several tools that come in handy to build a complete web application.

Yes, Next.js can be used to build large-scale applications. Next.js supports both server-side rendering and static site generation, which makes it a good choice for projects that require high performance and scalability

Next.js has several features but must be free of challenges. Next.js’s biggest challenge or limitation is its learning curve for beginners, as it offers additional features such as SSR, SSG, and API routes that take time to learn. Also, with the SSR, it takes longer to build an application.

Next.js is suitable for use by the developer. As mentioned above, Next.js may be hectic for a complete beginner, but for experienced developers, it is a gem with several advanced features. For experienced developers with a basic understanding of React and JavaScript, Next.js is a robust framework with which to learn and work.