What is Xamarin? Xamarin vs. Native App Development

What is Xamarin? Xamarin vs. Native App Development

Today, app development has become a necessity for every business, and when it comes to mobile app development, one of the critical decisions you’ve to make is choosing the right technology stack. Before you start developing an application, you should know whether you need to create native apps tailored to each platform or build a cross-platform app with Xamarin. To help you make the right decision, in this write-up, we’ll explore what is Xamarin, how it works, Xamarin vs. Native app development, and what will be best for you. So, let’s start.

What is Xamarin?

Xamarin is a leading framework for cross-platform mobile app development. It enables developers to create Android, iOS, and Windows applications using a single codebase written in C. Xamarin’s cross-platform compatibility allows developers to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, saving both time and resources.

Xamarin is a Microsoft product released in 2011, and since then, it has become the first choice for building cross-platform applications. It integrates seamlessly with Visual Studio, making it a powerful tool for .NET developers. Also, Xamarin allows developers to access native APIs and use native UI controls to provide a native-like experience for users.

Xamarin’s promise of “write once, run anywhere.” And it really means it. Today’s point of view is that cross-platform compatibility is necessary for any application, as both Windows and iOS have large user bases. Xamarin enables businesses to achieve broader reach without maintaining separate codebases for each platform. Apart from this, Xamarin offers several benefits.

Benefits of Using Xamarin

Xamarin has been in the market for over 14 years and offers several benefits that hold it above other frameworks. Below, we have mentioned some of the best features of Xamarin.

  • Code Reusability: One of Xamarin’s standout features is its ability to code reusability, which allows developers to use most of the codes for multiple platforms. Code reusability accelerates the development process and ensures consistency in functionality and performance across different devices.
  • Native Performance: Along with cross-platform compatibility, Xamarin has access to native APIs, which allows it to deliver a native app-like performance and a smooth and responsive user experience.
  • Shared Codebase: As mentioned above, Xamarin allows the same codes to be used for different platforms. Hence, developers can deliver applications for multiple platforms simultaneously. Also, due to the shared codebase, Xamarin simplifies maintenance and updates and reduces the likelihood of discrepancies and bugs.
  • Microsoft Support: Xamarin is a Microsoft product, and we all know Microsoft is currently the leading tech giant. It provides robust support and continuous updates for Xamarin. Microsoft always ensures that Xamarin stays relevant and efficient and provides all the latest features required for cross-platform application development.
  • Seamless Integration with Visual Studio: If you’re an experienced developer familiar with Microsoft’s development ecosystem, Xamarin provides a smooth transition. Xamarin integrates well with Visual Studio, which offers a robust suite of development, testing, and debugging tools.

So now we talk about what is Xamarin. Let’s move to Native App development, and then we’ll make a side-by-side comparison of both Xamarin vs. Native app development.

What is Native App Development?

Native app development means creating applications specifically for a particular platform—for example, for Android or iOS. Building a native app is a good choice if you’ve cleared all your objectives and have done your research.

For native application development, developers use different frameworks; for example, for Android, developers typically use Java or Kotlin, while for iOS, they use Swift or Objective-C.

Native development allows developers to utilize the full range of functionalities provided by the platform to provide optimal performance and a seamless user experience. Native application development offers several benefits to developers.

Benefits of Native App Development

  • Optimal Performance: Native apps are built for a specific platform, and they offer the best possible performance for that specific platform. Native apps can fully utilize the device’s processing power, memory, and graphics capabilities to provide a smooth and responsive user experience.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Native apps can fully utilize the platform-specific features and design guidelines that enable native apps to provide a more intuitive and responsive user experience.
  • Access to All Device Features: Due to specific platform compatibility, Native development allows complete access to all device features. Hence, developers can utilize advanced functionalities like GPS, camera, microphone, and sensors without any limitations.
  • Security: Native apps benefit from the security features provided by the platform, offering robust protection against potential threats and vulnerabilities. This is especially important for applications handling sensitive data, such as banking or healthcare apps.

So, these are the benefits of native app development, and to be very honest, choosing between Xamarin and Native app development depends on your needs and user base. Below is a comparison table between Xamarin and Native app development to give you a clear picture of what you should choose.

Xamarin vs. Native App Development: Key Differences

Parameter Xamarin Native App

Development Time and Cost With a shared codebase, Xamarin can significantly reduce development time and costs, especially for apps targeting multiple platforms. Developing separate apps for Android and iOS can be time-consuming and costly as you’ll need two different codebases and possibly two development teams.

Performance While Xamarin apps offer near-native performance, they might not match the efficiency of truly native apps. Native apps offer robust performance, making them the preferred choice for high-performance needs.

User Experience

Xamarin provides a good user experience by allowing access to native APIs and controls, but there might be subtle differences compared to native apps. Native apps deliver the best user experience as they are designed following platform-specific guidelines and can utilize all native features without limitations.

Maintenance and Updates It is Easier to maintain and update due to a single shared codebase for all platforms. Requires updating and maintaining separate codebases, which can be more cumbersome and error-prone.

Development Environment and Tools Xamarin developers use Visual Studio, which provides a comprehensive set of tools for development, debugging, and testing. Native developers use platform-specific tools like Android Studio for Android and Xcode for iOS.


In this write-up, we dive into the development of Xamarin and Native apps. We hope after going through the blog, you’ll have an idea of what to choose for your development project. Before making any decision, knowing your project’s specific needs, budget, and resources is a must. You can also contact us for a free consultation regarding your app development project. Our experts will understand your needs and will suggest the best option for Xamarin vs. Native app development.


Recent blog:-


1. What is Xamarin and how does it work?

Xamarin is a framework for cross-platform mobile app development that lets you build apps for Android, iOS, and Windows using a single C# codebase. It integrates with Visual Studio and allows for code sharing across platforms.

2. What are the main benefits of using Xamarin for app development?

Xamarin offers:

  • Code Reusability: Use one codebase for multiple platforms.
  • Native Performance: Access native APIs for smooth performance.
  • Shared Codebase: Simplifies maintenance.
  • Microsoft Support: Regular updates and support.
  • Integration with Visual Studio: Enhanced development tools.
3. What is native app development and what are its advantages?

Native app development creates apps specifically for one platform, such as Android or iOS. Benefits include:

  • Optimal Performance: Best performance for the platform.
  • Enhanced User Experience: Adheres to platform guidelines.
  • Access to Device Features: Full access to device capabilities.
  • Security: Utilizes platform-specific security features.
4. How does Xamarin compare to native app development in terms of development time and cost?

Xamarin reduces development time and costs with a single codebase for all platforms. Native development requires separate codebases for Android and iOS, leading to higher costs and longer development time.

5. How does the performance of Xamarin apps compare to native apps?

Xamarin apps offer near-native performance but may not match the efficiency of truly native apps, which are optimized for specific platforms.

6. What are the user experience differences between Xamarin and native apps?

Xamarin provides a good user experience but may have minor differences compared to native apps, which are designed specifically for each platform and fully utilize platform features.

7. How do maintenance and updates differ between Xamarin and native app development?

Xamarin simplifies maintenance with a single codebase, while native development requires separate codebases for each platform, which can be more complex and error-prone.

8. What development tools are used for Xamarin and native app development?

Xamarin uses Visual Studio, while native development uses Android Studio for Android and Xcode for iOS.

9. How do I decide whether to use Xamarin or native app development for my project?

Choose Xamarin for cross-platform apps with a shared codebase, and native development for apps needing the best performance and full access to platform-specific features. Consider your project’s needs and budget, and consult with experts if needed.