Swift vs Python Which Language is Better

Swift vs Python: Which Language is Better?

Since the post-pandemic, we have officially been in the digital world, where humans have applications for most things. Whether it’s commuting, groceries, or shopping, we have applications for everything. With the rising demand for applications, the demand for web developers is also increasing, and today, there are several bachelors or graduates want to pursue their careers as a developer. However, when it comes to programming, one of the most common questions is: “Which language should you learn? Or which programming language is the best.

Today, two popular contenders in this debate are Swift and Python. Both of the languages are renowned and have their strengths.

If you’re one of those who wants to start learning a programming language but is confused between Swift and Python, then this write-up is for you. In this blog, we’ll discuss the key aspects of Swift and Python programming languages, and compare them with each so you can choose which language to learn in 2024.

Swift and Python: What Are They?

Before we dive into the comparison, it’s essential to understand what Swift and Python are and where they shine.

Swift: The Apple-Centric Powerhouse

Swift is a programming language developed by Apple in 2014. It’s one of the fastest, safest, and most expressive languages. Swift was created as a replacement for Objective-C and is primarily used for developing iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS applications.

It’s a statically typed language, and if you’re a bit aware of coding, you might know that statically typed languages determine each variable at compile time, which means there will be fewer runtime errors and faster code execution.

Python: The Versatile Generalist

Python is one of the oldest programming languages and is a high-level, dynamically typed programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum in 1991, and today, Python is known for its readability and simplicity. Nowadays, Python is widely used in web development, data science, machine learning, automation, and more. Due to its versatility, Python has also become a favourite of beginners and seasoned developers.

Swift vs Python: A Side-by-Side Comparison

Now that we have a basic understanding of both Swift and Python let’s compare these languages across different dimensions.

1. Ease of Learning and Use


Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn and use. Its syntax is clean and simple, similar to plain English, which reduces the learning curve. Python’s simplicity makes it an excellent choice for beginners. Additionally, Python’s extensive libraries and frameworks make it easy to get started with Python.


Swift is designed to be approachable for developers, but it’s not as beginner-friendly as Python. There is no doubt that Swift is modern, but due to its statically typed nature, it is quite more complex to learn and understand. Developers who want to use Swift require a deeper understanding of programming concepts like memory management and type safety. However, if you want to become an iOS platform developer, Swift is your go-to place.

Verdict: Python wins in ease of learning and use, especially for beginners.

2. Performance and Speed


As mentioned above, swift is a statically typed language and compiles native machine code, which runs directly on the hardware and makes it one of the fastest programming languages. Speed matters a lot when we talk about development, as faster time to market can help you gain a competitive advantage. Swift’s memory management system, Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), also contributes to its performance.


Python is generally slower than Swift due to its dynamic-typed nature. Also, Python code is executed line by line; most developers prefer line-by-line codes less suitable for performance-critical applications. However, Python’s speed is not a major concern due to its common use cases, such as web development and data analysis.

Verdict: Swift is the clear winner in terms of performance and speed.

3. Platform Compatibility


We all know, and I have even stated above, that Swift was developed by Apple and is used for Apple products such as macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Developers can use Swift for Linux and iOS development, but its primary focus remains on iOS and macOS development. If your goal is to develop apps for Apple devices, Swift is the best choice.


Python is a cross-platform language and runs seamlessly on various operating systems, including Windows, macOS, and Linux. Python is also considered an ideal choice for developers who must write code that works on multiple platforms. Python’s versatility is world-known and probably is its biggest strength, making it a go-to language for cross-platform projects.

Verdict: Python takes the lead in platform compatibility due to its cross-platform nature.

4. Community and Libraries


Python was introduced in 1991 and has one of the world’s largest and most active programming communities. Newbie Python developers can have a wealth of resources, tutorials, documentation, and libraries for almost any task.


Swift is a modern language released a decade ago, but its community has grown quickly, especially among iOS and macOS developers. Apple has provided a solid set of libraries for Python developers.

Verdict: Python’s mature and extensive ecosystem gives it the edge here.

Is It Better to Learn Swift or Python?

The answer to this question depends on your goals, interests, and project you’ll be working on.

  • Developers interested in mobile app development, particularly for the Apple environment, are advised to use the Swift programming language. It is the best and most reliable option for iOS platforms.
  • Developers looking to build applications for various platforms should go with Python. It is a heritage language and offers several advanced features for cross-platform development. Its simplicity and versatility make it a great language and opens doors to many areas, including web development, data science, automation, and more.

Conclusion: Which is Swift vs Python Better?

Python and Swift are reliable languages that can build robust applications. However, both languages serve different purposes. Swift is the best option for the iOS platform, whereas no one can beat Python for cross-platform app development. Before learning a new language, consider all your requirements and the project you’ll be working on. In my personal opinion, one should learn both languages. This will help them become a better developer in future it will help in many ways.


Q. Which is easier to learn, Swift or Python?

Python is easier to learn, especially for beginners; its syntax is simple and intuitive, similar to plain English. Swift is also easy to use, but its statically typed nature and focus on memory may be complex for a newbie to learn and start with.

Q. Is Swift the fastest programming language?

Swift is one of the fastest languages, especially for iOS and macOS development. Its performance is optimized for Apple’s platforms. However, languages like C++ and Rust may outperform Swift for game development or systems programming.

Q. Is Swift only used for Apple products?

While Apple designed Swift to develop apps within the Apple ecosystem, it can also be used to develop applications for Linux and Windows. However, swift’s main focus and strength lie in Apple-related development, which makes it a first choice for creating Apple device applications.

Q. Which language has a larger community and more resources, Swift or Python?

Python is one of the oldest languages available today, and there is no doubt that it has a larger community of developers to help new developers with anything. However, Swift’s community is growing rapidly among iOS and macOS developers.

Q. Can I use both Swift and Python in the same project?

Yes, using both Swift and Python in the same project is possible, but it requires some integration effort. For example, you could use Python for backend services and Swift for the iOS front end of a mobile app.