Staff augmentation services

Signs Your Company Needs IT Staff Augmentation: A Strategic Guide for Growth

We are now in an era where our every little part of daily routine depends on technology, from groceries to healthcare, food delivery, shopping, banking, etc. According to a survey by Statista, the Global IT sector will reach $1570.00 billion in revenue by 2027. With the rapidly growing IT space, the need for IT has skyrocketed, and many businesses often struggle to find top-tier IT talent to manage their work and reach the pinnacle of prosperity. The lack of professionals in the IT sector is a big concern; according to PWC research, by the year 2030, the United States is projected to face a significant skills gap and talent shortage. This shortage could result in a staggering loss of $8.5 trillion.

However, companies have found a solution to fill the talent gap by choosing IT staff augmentation services over hiring in-house talents. In this guide, we’ll learn what IT staff augmentation is, when you should choose the IT Staff augmentation model for hiring, and how it can help you scale your Business. 

What is IT Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation is a flexible outsourcing strategy that allows businesses to scale up or down their talent team according to their requirement. Basically, staff augmentation service offers a vast pool of top-tier IT talents, and Businesses can hire the talents to work with their in-house team on a contract basis. This model offers several benefits to the companies, which not only reduce their cost but also provide them the top-tier talent within no time. 

In this Hiring model, you’ll not be liable to provide any full-time employee benefits, such as leaves, incentives, or long-term commitment, as the vendor will take care of it. You also do not have to worry about retaining any employees; in this way, Staff augmentation benefits companies in different ways and is becoming popular day by day. 

Signs your company needs IT Staff Augmentation

Staff augmentation can be a game changer for any business and start-up if done correctly and at the right time. So, now the question is how to know if this model is suitable for you and can help you scale your Business. 

Below are a few scenarios where IT staff augmentation service is a go-to option for Business; if you are in any of the following scenarios, then you have to start looking for a reliable IT staff augmentation service provider to scale your team and equip it with top-tier expertise. 

You want to hire talent for an ongoing project: A big sign to pick an IT staff augmentation service is that you’re working on a project and find out that you need more hands to work on the project. Staff augmentation service provider keeps an abundance of ready-to-work developers who will be on your team within weeks. This model allows you to hire a professional who will not need any training and hit the ground immediately. Therefore, this model is a go-to option when you are in a hurry. 

Your company needs a team to handle another project simultaneously:  Apart from developers, IT staff augmentation service offers different industry professionals such as designers, testers, project managers, team leaders, etc. On top of it, you can completely outsource the entire project to a team that will directly report to you and will solely work on your project, and once the project gets completed, you can move on. Staff augmentation providers keep their talent up-to-date with the latest technologies, so you don’t have to worry about the quality of their work. 


You want to scale your team ASAP: There are instances when companies need to scale their team immediately to meet any deadline or for any other reason. Staff augmentation reduces the hassle and time taken by the hiring process and will provide you with professionals with the required expertise and skills in no time. In Business, not meeting the deadline means you’ll lose more money than expected, and if you choose the traditional hiring method, then it will surely cost you a fortune.


Your team lacks a specific skill expert: Another sign that you need IT staff augmentation is your team is lacking in specific skills. We all know that little knowledge is a dangerous thing, and a skill gap will make it difficult for your team to complete the project smoothly. Augmented staff companies can fill this gap. These companies always keep the top talent of the industry in their pool. Staff augmentation providers can fill this specific skill gap and keep things going smoothly. 


The Business needs a cost-effective solution: If you need a cost-effective solution to hire and manage your talent, then nothing can be better than IT staff augmentation. This model saves time, money, and the hassle of hiring professionals for short-term or long-term projects. By choosing the IT staff augmentation model, businesses save money on everything; they don’t have to invest in infrastructure, employee benefits, resources the developer used, and so on. 


Your company needs more hands to meet seasonal demands:  Many companies struggle in a specific season where they need to work on 3 or 4 projects simultaneously. To fulfill the talent requirement to complete all the projects by the deadline, companies need to hire seasonal developers and professionals. Staff augmentation is the most reliable way to hire experts on a contract basis and fulfill your needs for seasonal demands, and once you complete your projects, you can scale down the augmented staff. 


You need tighter control of your workforce: Obviously, there are other models for hiring the workforce, such as freelancers or hiring professionals from freelancing portals. However, when it comes to control, staff augmentation stands tall among all. The augmented staff will directly report to you, and you can get in touch at any working hour. Also, they will be solely dedicated to your project. Besides all this, they will be in touch with your in-house team, which will enable the knowledge transfer between augmented staff and your in-house team. 

These are the few scenarios where using staff augmentation service is the best solution to scale your Business. Apart from these instances, there can be different reasons as all businesses are different, and the scenarios can be different as well. Staff augmentation is always a win-win situation for Business as it is not only cost-effective but a more agile approach for scaling. 

What are the benefits of staff augmentation


Staff augmentation is becoming slowly popular; enterprises and start-ups are showing trust in this hiring model. Some of the benefits that augmented staff offers are as follows:


Flexibility: First and foremost, staff augmentation offers flexibility in hiring professionals. Companies can hire top-tier across the globe and within no time. Also, you can hire IT talent in the short, term or long term as per your requirement and without any commitment. Businesses can scale up and down their professional count as their project progresses. The staff augmentation model eliminates the unexpected workload hassle from businesses as Businesses can add talent to their in-house team anytime.


Cost-Effective Approach: Staff augmentation saves businesses hard cash as they don’t have to invest in infrastructure and resources for the augmented staff. Most of the augmented staff work remotely from their own space and use their development tools. Additionally, you don’t have to provide any full-time employee benefits such as sick leave, EPF, vacation, insurance, and so on. Also, staff augmentation services provide you with talent within a week, save you time, and make the product development process quick and cost-effective compared to hiring an in-house team in all manners. 


Access to top talent: IT-augmented services are known for providing top-tier talent. Also, you can hire experts from different industries as the companies always keep a vast pool of experts specialized in different industries and roles. This hiring model allows companies to hire experts that perfectly meet their requirements. In short, staff augmentation allows Businesses to hire dream teams without limitation and boost their business efficiency. 


Risk mitigation: Another benefit of staff augmentation is that it eliminates the risk of hiring the wrong candidate. Companies can hire candidates on a temporary basis, which not only lowers the financial burden but also shields the Business from future changes in the project. Hiring talent through staff augmentation eliminates the risk associated with traditional hiring and enhances the resilience of the Business.  


Time-Saving: Staff augmentation deploys the talent within a week, which means your project will come to the market faster. Also, it eliminates the time-consuming traditional process of hiring professionals and screening them personally. By eliminating this, businesses can stay ahead of deadlines and remain agile in dynamic market conditions. 

These are a few of the many benefits which you can avail yourself of by choosing reliable staff augmented service. This model provides access to top talent, eliminates risk, saves time, and boosts the business scalability effectively. 


Embracing Success through Staff augmentation

Staff augmentation is slowly taking over the way we hire professionals, and why not? There are serval benefits of IT staff augmentation. If you’re also looking to scale your team to take over a new project or finish any project faster, Ftechiz can be your go-to place.

At Ftechiz, we’ve professional experts in their respective fields, and we’ve worked on 60+ projects in the last few years. Most of our clients love us for our professionalism and dedication; we’ve created brands in different industries: Healthcare, Fintech, AR&VR, and so on. 


Contact us now, and let’s discuss how we can help you to present your vision to the world. Our experts get in touch with you shortly. 
