Kotlin vs Java for Mobile and Web Development

Kotlin vs Java for Mobile and Web Development: A Detailed Comparison

Mobile apps nowadays are no longer a royalty. It has become a necessity. However, choosing the right programming language is crucial when developing an app for your business and organization. Whether you’re developing a mobile app or a web application, your choice of language can impact the project’s success.

Today, several languages are available to build mobile and web applications; among the many available, Kotlin and Java stand out as two of the most popular choices for Android development.

But we all know it’s not possible to utilize two different languages to build an application, so how do they stack up against each other? Suppose you’re also one of those users who wants to make an application or want to learn a language to become an app or web developer but are confused about choosing a programming language between Kotlin and Java. In that case, you’re at the right blog.

This blog will compare Kotlin vs Java for mobile and web development. We’ll cover the key questions like “Is Kotlin better than Java?”, “Is Kotlin frontend or backend?”, “What is the salary of a Kotlin developer?” and “Is Kotlin in high demand?”.

Java: An overview

Before diving into the comparison, let’s start by understanding what Java brings.

Java is a versatile, high-level programming language released back in 1995, and since then, it has been a cornerstone of the tech industry. It follows the “write once, run anywhere” (WORA) philosophy, which means that you can run the Java code on any device that supports the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Java’s write-once-and-run-anywhere philosophy makes it a highly portable language. Java’s syntax is derived from C++, and it has a robust set of libraries and frameworks that make it suitable for both mobile and web development.

Kotlin: An overview

Kotlin is one of the newest modern-day languages, and it was introduced in 2011 by JetBrains. The main motive for developing Kotlin is to integrate it fully with Java to offer more concise and expressive syntax. Kotlin runs on the Java Virtual Machine and can be used to create Android apps, server-side applications, and web apps. In 2017, Google announced Kotlin as an official language for Android development; since then, most Android developers have used Kotlin to develop Android apps.

So, it was a small overview of Kotlin and Java; now, let’s move to our main topic, which is Kotlin vs Java.

Kotlin vs Java: Syntax and Language Features

One of the primary differences between Kotlin and Java is their syntax. Kotlin’s syntax is more modern and concise, which leads to less boilerplate code. Here’s how they differ:

1. Conciseness

As mentioned above, Kotlin is a modern language designed to reduce boilerplate code. Due to its single-line data class, Kotlin’s codebase is more readable and maintainable. For example, when a developer writes a code in Java, they have to write several lines of code to create a simple class with getters, setters, and a constructor. On the other hand, in Kotlin, developers only need to write a single line of code to do all of this. 

2. Null Safety

Kotlin was designed to keep pull safety in mind, making it better than Java. If you’re experienced with Java, then you might know that in Java, `NullPointerExceptions` are a common issue resulting in runtime crashes. Being a modern language, Kotlin addresses this problem by default, making all types non-nullible. In Kotlin, if you want a variable to hold a null value, you have to declare it with an explicit `?`.

Kotlin vs Java: Performance

When it comes to performance, Kotlin and Java are quite similar since both languages run on the JVM. However, Kotlin offers additional features, such as extension and higher-order functions, which lead to more efficient and optimized code, improving overall performance.

Kotlin vs Java: Mobile Development

Regarding mobile app development, no other language can rarely compete with Kotlin. Since Google has announced Kotlin as the preferred language for Android development, a large number of Android developers preferred Kotlin to develop Android application

1. Ease of Use

As mentioned above, Kotlin offers several advanced features like concise syntax, null safety features, and modern language constructs, making developing Android applications more accessible and faster with Kotlin. With Kotlin, developers need to write less code, reducing the chances of bugs and improving the codebase’s overall readability.

2. Interoperability

The best thing about Kotlin is that it is 100% interoperable with Java. Hence, you can use Kotlin code alongside Java code in the same project without hassle. This feature comes in handy when the existing projects are written in Java, and you can use Kotlin codebase without rewriting the entire Java codebase.

3. Community and Support

Regarding mobile app development, no other language can rarely compete with Kotlin. Since Google has announced Kotlin as the preferred language for Android development, a large number of Android developers preferred Kotlin to develop Android application

Is Kotlin Frontend or Backend?

Okay, so it is the most trending question on Google. Many new developers and even experienced ones are confused about whether Kotlin is frontend or backend.The answer is both. Yes, Kotlin is one of those languages that can be used for both frontend and backend development.

Kotlin/JS allows developers to write Kotlin code and compile it to JavaScript for front-end development. This compile feature will enable developers to use Kotlin to build robust web user interfaces. For backend development, Kotlin can be used with JVM-based frameworks like Spring Boot or Kotlin-specific frameworks like Ktor.

Kotlin vs Java: Learning Curve

Learning a new language is always a hectic task for developers, but with Kotlin, if you’re knowledgeable of Java, then Kotlin will be relatively straightforward. Kotlin shares many similarities with Java, and Kotlin’s modern syntax often feels like a natural evolution of Java. However, for new developers, Kotlin might have a slightly steeper learning curve due to its advanced features.

What is the Salary of a Kotlin Developer?

Kotlin is new in the market, and there is no doubt that it is featureful and makes app development much easier compared to Java. Also, undoubtedly, Kotlin will continue to grow and stay in the market for a long time. The demand for Kotlin developers is increasing day by day, and there are several developers who are making good money. Now, you might be thinking, what is a good salary for a Kotlin developer? So the answer is “According to recent surveys and job market data, the average salary for a Kotlin developer varies depending on location, experience, and the specific industry. In the United States, for example, the average salary for a Kotlin developer ranges from $90,000 to $120,000 per year. The salaries may differ in other parts of the world, but the trend is clear: Kotlin developers are in high demand.

Is Kotlin Better Than Java?

Now that we have covered most of your questions, let’s address the big question: Is Kotlin better than Java? So, the answer to this question depends on the specific use case and the project’s needs.

  • For Android Development: If you’re looking for a reliable language for Android development, then Kotlin is better than Java. Kotlin’s modern syntax, null safety, and official support from Google make it better than Java.
  • For Web Development: For web application development, I’ll say Java is better than Kotlin, especially for large-scale enterprise applications. However, Kotlin is becoming an increasingly viable alternative, especially Kotlin’s modern features and interoperability with Java.
  • For Learning and Community Support: We all know Java is one of the oldest programming languages and has the advantage of a larger and more established community. However, Kotlin developers can also access resources, tutorials, and libraries. However, Kotlin’s community is rapidly growing, and plenty of resources are available for developers looking to learn Kotlin.


Undoubtedly, Java and Kotlin are the most effective and reliable languages to build mobile applications. However, when choosing one between them, the answer completely depends on your application development needs. But, to be very honest, my personal favourite is Kotlin, as it has several advanced features. Finally, you should know the requirements of your application and then choose the language accordingly.