What is the Best JavaScript Backend Framework

What is the Best JavaScript Backend Framework?

The backend is the server side of any application that is visible to developers and decides what users will see. In this cluttered market, having a robust backend for applications is a must to compete and meet the market standards. JavaScript is a versatile language, expanding beyond front-end development into backend development.

However, when it comes to development, JavaScript alone can’t provide you with a robust application; you will need a reliable JavaScript backend framework. Today, several JavaScript backend frameworks are designed to streamline web application development and make it easy for developers to build scalable, efficient, and fast server-side applications.

With so many options available, developers get confused, especially newbies, when choosing the best JavaScript backend framework. Don’t worry! If you don’t know much about JavaScript backend frameworks, in this write-up, we’ll explore some of the most popular JavaScript backend frameworks, their benefits, and factors to consider when choosing the best one for your project.

Why Use a JavaScript Backend Framework?

Before we dive into specific frameworks, we need to understand the advantages of using a JavaScript backend framework for web development:

  • Full-Stack JavaScript Development: As stated earlier, JavaScript can be used as both the client (front-end) and server (backend). Hence, developers can create full-stack applications using a single language without switching languages, simplifying the development process and making sharing code between the front and back end easier.
  • Fast Development: Most backend frameworks have built-in libraries, tools, and templates that allow developers to quickly build web applications.
  • Scalability: Many JavaScript frameworks are built with scalability in mind, allowing developers to create applications that can be scaled easily later to handle increased traffic and data without significant loss.
  • Active Communities: Most popular frameworks have large communities where developers can get help with development, documentation, and debugging. Active communities make it easy for developers to find resources, tutorials, and plugins for their projects.

Along with these advantages, you unlock many advantages by picking a reliable JavaScript backend framework. For now, let’s dive into our main topic: some of the most commonly used JavaScript backend frameworks.

1. Express.js

When discussing the backend frameworks, Express.js is the name that hit my mind first. Express.js is one of the most popular and widely used backend frameworks for Node.js. It is a go-to choice for many developers looking to build web applications and API; it is lightweight, flexible, and minimalistic. Express.js framework doesn’t have any particular project structure that gives developers the freedom to design their application architecture. Below are some of the Pros of using Express.js as a JavaScript backend framework:

  • Simple and Minimalistic: Express.js is designed to be simple and flexible. The Framework provides only the essential features; developers can add additional packages and middleware as needed.
  • Fast Development: With the Express.js framework, developers can reduce the development time by easily integrating it with third-party middleware and plugins.
  • Huge Ecosystem: Developers have access to thousands of middleware with Express.js, and developers can extend Express to handle various needs like authentication, logging, security, and data handling.
  • Full Stack: Express.js runs on Node.js Express and works seamlessly with front-end JavaScript frameworks like React or Angular. Developers can use it for full-stack development.

These are the pros of the Express.js framework, but as we say, every coin has two. Express.js also comes with a few limitations:


  • Boilerplate Code: Being minimalistic, Express requires developers to write more boilerplate code, such as setting up routing, middleware, and handling errors.
  • Not Opinionated: This one is only for beginners as they might get overwhelmed and need a more guided framework, and Exoress.js lacks a strict structure.

When to Use:

Express.js is a great choice when you need a lightweight, fast solution for creating APIs and small applications. Also, it is a great choice for developers who want flexibility and full control over their project’s structure.

2. NestJS

NestJS is a progressive Node.js framework built with TypeScript. The main motive for building NestJS is to provide scalability and maintainability for server-side applications. Due to NestJS out of the box support for GraphQL, WebSockets, and Microservices, it is ideal for building enterprise-level applications. Below are some Pros that make it stand out from other JavaScript backend frameworks.

  • Modular Structure: NestJS follows a modular architecture, meaning you can split your application into different modules. The modular architecture makes it easy to maintain and scale your application as it grows.
  • TypeScript Support: NestJS is written in TypeScript and offers several features, like static typing, effectively reducing runtime errors and improving code quality.
  • Built-in Tools: NestJS has many built-in tools, such as routing, validation, and dependency injection. These built-in tools save developers from having to configure these manually and speed up the development process.
  • Community and Documentation: Although NestJS is still the latest framework, its community is growing rapidly. Also, the official documentation of Nestjs is thorough, which makes it easy to learn and adopt.


  • Steeper Learning Curve: NestJS is highly opinionated and built on top of several concepts like dependency injection and TypeScript; it has a steeper learning curve, especially for beginners.
  • Overhead for Small Projects: The framework has a complex structure and additional layers of abstraction, which makes it feel like an overkill for small projects.

When to Use:

NestJS is ideal for building large-scale, enterprise-level applications that require scalability, maintainability, and built-in support for advanced features like microservices and GraphQL.

3. Koa.js

  • Another popular JavaScript backend framework is Koa.js. It is a minimalist and flexible backend framework created by the team behind Express.js. Koa framework takes a different approach and focuses on building smaller, more modular applications. The best thing about Koa.js is that instead of including everything you need, Koa encourages developers to use smaller libraries and write their own middleware, which gives developers more control over the application flow. Go through some of its advantages:

    • Lightweight and Flexible: Koa is barebones and allows developers to add only the features needed to build a custom solution.
    • Modern JavaScript: Koa is designed to take advantage of the latest ECMAScript features, including async/await; this makes the code of Koa.js more readable and efficient.
    • Better Error Handling: Koa’s has a context-based design that offers more efficient and granular control over error handling to developers.


    • Lack of Middleware: As mentioned above, Koa.js doesn’t have any middleware. It is good, but you must also add or write your own for routing, session handling, and authentication.
    • Less Popular: Although Koa has a strong foundation, it doesn’t have the same popularity or community support as Express or NestJS.

    When to Use:

    If you need a lightweight, modern, and highly customizable framework for building small to medium-sized applications, Koa.js should be your go-to choice. Its simplicity and flexibility make it ideal for developers who want full control over their application’s middleware stack.

4. Next.js (for Full-Stack Development)

Yes, you read it right. Although Next.js is typically known as a React framework for front-end development, it also has powerful server-side capabilities that allow developers to build full-stack applications. In contrast to other frameworks, Next.js provides static and dynamic rendering, API routes, and built-in support for authentication, database integration, and file handling, making it a versatile choice for building full-stack JavaScript applications. Take a look at some of its other advantages

  • Full-Stack Capabilities:Next.js allows you to build both front-end and backend within the same framework. With API routes, you can easily create server-side functionality without needing a separate backend framework.
  • Server-Side Rendering: Next.js offers server-side rendering out of the box, improving performance and SEO for your web applications.
  • Ease of Use: It provides a robust file-based routing system, making creating APIs and pages without complex configuration easy.


  • Opinionated for Front-End: While it offers server-side capabilities, Next.js is primarily designed for building React-based front-ends, which might limit its flexibility as a backend framework.
  • Not Specialized for Backend: If your project is focused solely on backend development, Next.js might not be the best choice due to its front-end-first approach.

When to Use:

Next.js is ideal for building full-stack applications with React. If your project requires server-side rendering or API integration alongside a React front-end, Next.js is a great option.

Final Thoughts

When choosing the best JavaScript backend framework, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. Each framework has its strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice depends on your project’s requirements, scalability needs, and your team’s expertise. Here, we’ve mentioned some of the top JavaScript backend frameworks that you can use to build your next project. All the frameworks mentioned here have their pros and cons. In the end, we’ll only say that the best JavaScript backend framework is the one that aligns with your project’s goals, team skills, and long-term scalability.

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